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ECHO, Public Employees Union, Teachers Ask for Budget Help  2018-02-28 Renss Greene The first of three public hearings on the county budget was quieter than years past, but people who serve other Loudouners came out to make their case. Several people—some teachers and some not—asked supervisors to adopt a tax rate that will let them fully fund the school...

Join Us for the 23rd Annual ECHO Tennis Classic Saturday, June 23, 2018 Ida Lee in Leesburg ECHO's annual tennis tournament is a one-day community outreach event as well as a fundraiser for our organization. Play in the tournament and help raise funds to fund quality services to empower adults with developmental disabilities in our community. Enjoy...

WOW! Thank you so much to our good friends at Blossom and Bloom Thrift Shop for their recent donation to ECHO. Blossom and Bloom Thrift Shop is a non-profit, all volunteer thrift shop and all proceeds benefit local adults and children with disabilities. Please visit them in downtown Leesburg, VA at 110 West Market Street. Don't forget to save...

The ECHO crew that works at K2M had a blast running into DeAngelo Hall of the Washington Redskins - he couldn't have been nicer. It's great how our community supports people with disabilities. We'd love to work with the Redskins someday! ...

VSA Loudoun is a 501c3 non-profit organization providing creative opportunities for personal development for all, including those with disabilities, in an inclusive community , through the performing and visual arts. Several ECHO participants are a part of this theater group. Please show your support by attending an upcoming theater production of Willy Wonka! Visit https://vsaloudoun.org/theater-productions/ ...

ECHO Advocacy is focusing on the next Loudoun County Board of Supervisors Budget Public Hearing.  The hearing is February 27 at 6:00 pm and will be held at 1 Harrison Street, 1st floor, Leesburg.  There will also be meetings on Thursday, March 1 at 3:00 pm and Saturday, March 3 at 9:00 a.m. (the March...

ECHO was proud to be a part of the recent Fireman's Field Complex ceremony celebrating the partnership between the Town of Purcellville, Play To Win Sports Management, ShaunAlexander and ECHO. These partners along with Congresswoman Barbara Comstock, Tony Buffington, Blue Ridge Supervisor, Chair Phyllis J. Randall's office, Purcellville Mayor Kwasi Fraser and The Official Loudoun County Public Schools celebrated Loudoun Valley High School Boys Cross County Team as...

Our friends at Blossom and Bloom Thrift Shop are holding a charity purse auction to benefit nonprofits including ECHO. Please join! 7 p.m. Thursday, March 8th at Exeter Clubhouse, 350 Plaza St, Leesburg. http://www.blossomandbloomthriftshop.com ...

Leesburg, VA – The Board of Directors of ECHO announced the appointment of Marantha Edwards, Paula Harper and Dave Snyder as members of the Board of Directors, effective immediately. Mrs. Marantha Edwards is the former Economic Development Director for the Town of Leesburg, having retired in January after an almost 18-year career with the Town. Mrs....

February 3, 2018 Kevin Shay About a decade ago, local resident Greg Masters suffered a stroke and other serious injuries as a result of a car accident. While he survived, Masters experienced prolonged difficulty with even the most basic of functions, from speaking to walking. Masters became aware of the Leesburg nonprofit Every Citizen Has Opportunities (ECHO). Since...