How do you access services with a Medicaid Waiver?

Your CSB Support Coordinator will provide you with a list of approved providers in your area.  For Day Support and Supported Employment Services you will see ECHO as one of the providers in Loudoun and Fairfax Counties.  We currently accept 3 types of waivers:  Community Living, Family Supports, and Building Independence.  If you are interested in ECHO’s services you’ll want to be sure to have one of these waivers.  If you don’t see ECHO as a potential provider you can ask about us by name, computer glitches do happen from time to time.

Who chooses the provider?

You or your loved one will choose the service provider.  Your CSB Support Coordinator will be able to share information about your options but is not permitted to make suggestions about which provider you should choose.  Be sure to visit the organizations that you are interested in, tours of ECHO are always available. 

How do I change providers?

Your CSB Support Coordinator can assist you with any changes that you wish to make.  You can ask for ECHO by name and request a tour at any time.