
 / Uncategorized  / ECHO Needs Your Help!

ECHO Needs Your Help!

By now you probably know that the mission of Every Citizen Has Opportunities, Inc. (ECHO) is to empower individuals with disabilities to achieve their optimal level of personal, social and economic success. Your support means so much to our participants and their families. With our community’s support in 2016, we served 163 participants, opened two new employment sites and drove over 284,328 miles with our fleet. It was a busy and exciting year!

In 2017, ECHO needs your support in accomplishing our mission:
– We are launching a new program: Individual Supported Employment. This program will provide assistance to participants by helping them secure employment through coaching, individualized support and training.
– We need to enhance ECHO’s transportation fleet. Our fleet is aging and we need to repair and replace these expensive vehicles to ensure that our participants continue to get from their homes and into the community.

Please consider an end-of-year donation to help fund ECHO. We need to raise $500,000 in order to protect the programs and enhance our services, so any amount you can donate is greatly appreciated. Your donation is extremely important to our participants and our community as a whole. Please donate now.

Thank you so much for your continued support of all the individuals with disabilities we serve daily. We couldn’t do it without you!

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